Hello. Welcome to my website!

Leonid at small waterfall in Smoky Mountains

A little bit about myself and my photography journey. I'm originally from Belarus but moved to Wisconsin, USA. I live with my wife and my younger daughter, while my older son studies computer science at UW Madison (Go Badgers!).

I'm not a professional photographer. I have a full time job in IT; landscape photography is my passion and a hobby.

I've been taking photos for many years. Like many of us, I started snapping photos of my family with automatic point-and-shoot. For many years I did not have any knowledge about photography concepts, nor did I want to learn them. But this changed when my daughter was born.

A friend of mine bought a DSLR camera and showed me some of the photos he had taken with it. I was so impressed by the huge difference in image quality, compared to my photos, so I decided to also buy a DSLR to photograph my little daughter. When I got it, I realized that I could only achieve the best image quality if I learn photography basics and take full control over the camera settings. That was a turning point in my photography journey.

Leonid is photographing waterfall

I started to study photography concepts from the internet and books, and practiced what I was learning with my DSLR. Soon enough I became comfortable with manual and semi-manual modes. I also started to think about composition and how the light impacts the photograph. At that time I was photographing basically anything around me that I thought was interesting. Of course, mostly my kids, family, and friends.

After a few years, my interest in photography started to evolve. In 2019 I joined the Wisconsin photo group on Facebook and was amazed by the numerous beautiful landscape photos. I knew many of those places but I had never experienced them in the amazing light of sunrises or sunsets. This group, as well as some landscape photography YouTube channels, influenced me a lot, and my interest in photography shifted towards landscape photography. I wanted to experience those beautiful sunrises and sunsets and photograph them!

This is how landscape photography became my passion. I love being in nature, experiencing the magic of the first light of a new day, and taking photos of the beautiful Wisconsin landscapes.

This website is a gallery of my work, where I would like to share my passion and experiences of the great colorful outdoors through my photographs.

Thank you very much for visiting my website. Enjoy the photos!

Leonid Gurevich